Note of Compensation:

Your group or company will contract directly with the venue you choose and will never be under any contractual obligations with, or have any financial commitments to, GroupScapes, LLC. Venues greatly welcome, and often budget for, group business brought by GroupScapes and other similar procurement companies. Their discounts, to our clients, are given based on the sheer volume and repeat business that come from GroupScapes, LLC as a whole. In short, your negotiating power increases exponentially with your partnership to GroupScapes, LLC.. GroupScapes, LLC is not tied, nor committed, to any certain hotel chain and can work with any venue meeting your criteria. A placement fee is paid to GroupScapes, LLC, by the chosen venue, for bringing our business to them. The placement fee covers the hours and/or days of time saved, along with industry resources and knowledge that helps save in room rates, perks and other costs associated with group events & accommodations. Venues are under strict contractual obligations with GroupScapes, LLC to not, under any circumstance, raise room rates due to placement fee compensation.
We work for you. We represent you. We make big values possible and take great pride in making you happy.